Those Who Envy Creatives

I’ve been listening to a YT channel called The Dragon Demands. He does an excellent and thorough job of breaking down industry news and behind-the-scenes shenanigans in Hollywood, specifically in regard to science fiction and fantasy TV shows.

One thing I’ve noticed, and I’ve noticed this in the music industry as well, is that there are certain types of people who envy creative people and what we are able to do but are too lazy or too untalented to actually do the work we do, and I mean any creative endeavor, not just the traditional types of creative fields They want to control, dominate, take over and consume us and our work as their own. The two buffoon kings in Hollywood, Benioff and Weiss are two recent examples. They destroyed A Game of Thrones and now it looks like they are getting ready to wipe their behinds on The Three Body problem. I won’t be watching it. I have no deisre to watch anything they’ve tainted. I do plan to read the books in the future.

I’ve noticed this issue for decades and I think it is imperative for creative people to become more attuned to how business is run and to be more savvy about protecting our work, especially writers and musicians. There are too many people who want to be able to say they can do what we do (create) but won’t, or can’t, put in the real work to make it happen. So what they will do is steal from us or dominate and take over the work of a creative person. Sean Combs was like this (I have always hated him and |I’m glad to see him finally fall). Benioff and Weiss do this as well. I’ve even heard that Carlton Cuse is another no-talent hack. The behind-the-scenes issues that went on around the TV show Lost are a real eye-opener. It was really disappointing to hear of it because Lost was one of my favorite shows of all time.

What they ARE good at doing is putting on the mask of talent and intelligence, glad-handing and putting on the charm offensive so that they stay on top while fans, production workers and true creative (writers) talent are left holding the bag. I’ve seen so many fans of a novel or some franchise or game crushed in disappointment because one of their favorite stories was ruined on film or TV. I should know because I am a fan that has experienced this. Creatives need better business sense and better self-esteem. Too many of us allow such people to dominate and control us and our work.

Sometimes I do wonder whether George R. R. Martin won’t finish his magnum opus A Song of Ice and Fire because of his negative experience with Benioff and Weiss has destroyed his motivation. emotional and psychological issues can help fuel writer’s block. While I now realize those things are not the germinating issue, I believe that they can contribute to the problem.

I feel sorry for the fans of The Three Body Problem and the other books in that trilogy by Liu Cixin. The goober kings Benioff and Weiss are already showing that they have no respect for the author of this story! Let’s face it, if it weren’t for authors and script-writers there would be no film or TV! They don’t respect the director or anyone else who is there to make things happen onscreen. And it seems that NO ONE in Hollywood respects the writer. Not at all.

A sad, sad business, indeed.


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